Strong partnership between Complexity Science Hub and Iknaio

Bernhard Haslhofer, head of the Cryptofinance research group at the Complexity Science Hub, explains, “Decentralized Finance” (DeFi) stands for an entirely new type of complex financial services that are currently not adequately understood by decision-makers. Scientific research is needed to develop new methods to help us understand these services. With the spin-off Iknaio, we can bring these methods to product maturity and commercialize them to be used in practice eventually.”

“The role of science is to create breakthroughs. Through the cooperation of innovative startups like Iknaio and researchers of the Complexity Science Hub, we can achieve such in the field of crypto-crime,” says Stefan Thurner, President of the Complexity Science Hub.

With expertise, innovative technology, and strong partnerships, Iknaio is well-equipped to take a leading position in Europe and offer high-quality crypto asset analytics services to customers from various industries. The company is committed to meeting the increasing demands of the crypto asset market. Here, they want to make a decisive contribution to curbing criminal activities in cryptocurrencies.